Statement of Commitment
The Company believes in working collectively with families, agencies and facilities to help minimize the stress, barriers and challenges families, case managers and professionals can experience in their quest for the best care and services for individuals.
We specialize in supporting the individual treatment needs and goals of individuals in our care while meeting the accessibility standards set out in the AODA within the areas of Treatment Care and Supports, which we offer under the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services and provide to various agencies.
The Company is committed to creating an environment that allows all people to access and utilize our supports and services, while abiding by the core principles of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA): dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity. This commitment extends to everyone who interacts with our employees.
We are committed to preventing, reducing and removing barriers to accessibility and responding to issues and complaints in a timely manner. We are committed to meeting the accessibility requirements under the AODA.
The Company has a comprehensive Accessibility Standards Policy and Plan, which can be retrieved in the downloads section below.
1. IBSS AODA Statement of Commitment
2. IBSS AODA Integrated Accessibility Standards Policy and Plan